The Words of Jesus Volume 1: The Commands of Jesus- Booklet (PDF Download)
Jesus said His words were spirit and life.
It is an amazing thing that the church, the Body of Christ, has never majored on the words of Jesus. There have been many sermons and many books about His Words but there has been very little systematic study and even less systematic practice of the Words of Jesus.
In this small booklet, you have the most important words ever spoken.
Jesus said that we will be judged BY His Words!
He promised that if we will hear and do what He said (which includes His commands) then our house will stand against all storms.
He also said that if we heard but DID NOT OBEY His words, our house WILL NOT STAND, and the fall will be HUGE!
As you read these Words, take time to meditate upon them, think about them, speak them out, but most importantly, start DOING THEM!